First impressions mean a lot. They can be suspectful because some people pretend to be kind lovely with good intentions and at the end they are the opposite, with bad intentions and the only thing they want is to hurt other people or get some money and also it can be in the other way, with good intentions. First impression can help you to get a job too. Some people can judge or criticize someone very harsh only with the first impression they have of that person and I think that in some way that is good because we have to be careful with the people we trust and if they are good for our lives but also I think it is bad to judge people from the first impressions because we are people and we have good days and bad days and we also make mistakes. Personally I try to don't judge people until I really get to know them because I believe in second chances. I already passed an experience where I judge someone and I really had a bad image from him. His name was Daniel. When I first know him I really even care about him, I thought I would never see him again and then the days passed and I really needed a favor and the only one who can do me that favor was him and at the beginning I was a fool and some people try to convince me to talk to him and change thoughts about him and I refused several times until one day I talk to him and asked some questions and even though he never talk to me or get to know me really well and he give me some advices and told me few things that I didn't have to know and he really help me that night, he stayed with me like two hours talking about the same thing and that was like seven months ago. After that he always support me and ask me to go out and he always told me good things to be happy. Later on I don't know how but we start talking every single day and about everything from movies to elephants and we really have that type of connection that we tell each other all our problems and feelings. After all that happen my image about him start changing I know the bad and good side of him and that he was that type of friend that support his friends no matter what he was a person with a big heart and that even though he had a lot of problems in life he always see life in a good way and he taught me how to see life in a good way above all the problems we have to face as humans and the time passed and since that day that was like seven months ago we talk every day and he became one of my best friends. I really think I misjudge him at the beginning and I really think that people deserve second opportunities because if I never give him that second chance I would had never had the pleasure to know him and say he is my best friend and I appreciate every single thing he has done for me and that sometimes he had to tell me some hard things but I know he does that for my benefit. Now I learn that We don't have to judge a book by it's cover because they can give us surprises and we can mess up with that person and later on we can realize that but it can be too late and we have to think that we don't like that people judge us.
Names where changed.
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