Well an event that mark my childhood was the first time I went to school to an interview that was going determine if I will be able to study there or not. The thing was that I went to the school and the principal was a man that did not had his hands, he had a prosthesis and when I got there and saw him like that I was really surprised because I was like four years old and when we are four years old to seven years we think that these kind of things only happen in stories, and movies, etc. Also I felt rare because I have my two healthy arms and he only have his prosthesis. At the beginning I was nervous but when I started talking to the principal I felt comfortable and I was sitting next to my mother and then I move next to him and start touching his prosthesis and I asked him " why do you have an umbrella instead of an arm?" And he answered me; I do not have umbrellas this are my hands and I was really confused and because he saw my face he started explaining that he had an accident and he lost his hands and I asked him if he was feeling pain and he told me that he was feeling good and that with the prosthesis he was able to write and do more things and that the things did not hurt anyone. So I started asking more funny questions like how do you eat? How do you go to the bathroom? How do you drive? and more and more questions and my parents were ashamed, nervous, and angry because it is not normal that someone starts asking a random person about their prosthesis because some people may think or see that person being disrespectful and more if it is a child that is asking because they think the parents do not correct and educate their child, so my parents were ashamed and my mom was telling me that I should keep my mouth shut and I really did not understand why my mom was uncomfortable because for me it seemed something new and interesting and then the principal heard that and told my mom that she never has to tell me to be quite with something that I was curious because it stops the possibilities of learning new things and that he really liked the fact that I was a funny and sociable kid and he want to talk with me and answer all my questions and I really felt comfortable and happy to talk with him because he was a good man with the children and he had a lot of patience, he understand what a kid needed and that are curios with all the things so he show me his prosthesis and explained me all the parts and at the end he told my parents that the interview was over and my mom asked for the exams and he said to my mom that I was accepted in the school and that he will be glad to have me in the school and the part he liked the most was that I was a child without fear of asking, knowing and experimenting new things. I will never forget that experience because that taught me that be curious about new things is good but now that I am older I have to be more aware about how I say things and to whom I tell that things and that if it is the right time to say it adn the rigth thing to say. Experiences will teach us new things that will affect our lives in a good way most of the times, so let things happen and try to see the good part of every experience and if you act like that you will become more mature with the time.
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